The 18th century residence of the Vidua family is situated in the highest part of the village and is used for cultural events. The village has a fine church and the convent of S. Maurizio built in 1422 (in the left aisle lies the tomb of Count Carlo Vidua, ''the traveller''). In 1993 it was twinned with Ingham (Queensland), in memory of the many families from Conzano who emigrated to Australia. Originally built on the banks of the river Grana, in the Dark Ages the settlement was moved to the hill of Santa Lucia (near the present-day cemetery), giving its name to the parish church.

The "curtis Conzani", which appears in acts of investiture prior to 1000 AD, later passed under the control of the "domini de Conzano", owners of the castle. Initially Conzano was linked to the town of Alessandria, rather than to the Marquis of Monferrato, into whose orbit it finally came at a later date with the Palaeologus, Gonzaga and Savoy dynasties, who began to enfeoff portions to their vassals. Among others, the families Carretto, Valperga, Colombo, Castiglione, Orsi, Bovio, Ponteglio, Biglione, Vaccarone and Mossi alternated in this fashion, until 1774, when Diego Domenico Vidua, mayor of Casale, definitively linked the name of Conzano to the family.

The late granting of the municipal statutes, in the latter part of the 15th century, suggests that the municipality had adopted rules governing its
own internal policy only after the territorial reorganization carried out by the Marquis of Monferrato, culminating in the creation of the diocese of Casale in 1474. The same context involves the foundation in San Maurizio in 1418 of the convent of the Franciscan Friars Minor.
Municipio: Piazza Australia 5 CAP 15030
Tel. +39 0142 925132
Abitanti 932 - Altitudine m. 262 slm


Uva Blu - via Oddone 1, tel. +39 0142 925395
Vineria del Pozzo - via Oddone 2, tel. +39 0142 925656
Le Terre Rosse - frazione S. Maurizio, piazza Banda Lenti 8, tel. +39 0142 925285,

Prodotti tipici
L'Emporio del Gusto, Frazione San Maurizio, Via G. Porta 5, tel. +39 0142 925711
Carne di allevamento proprio, gastronomia di produzione propria, rivendita giornali, angolo bar, tabacchi

Eta Beta, Cascina Gualina, Via Occimiano 24, tel. +39 0142 925730, cell. +39 349 7523198,
Produzione piante acquatiche per giardini, biopiscine e fito depurazione. Visite al giardino privato su appuntamento.

FARMACIA Santa Chiara, Via Raineri 97, tel. +39 0142 925737
Piazza Australia
Casetta dell’acqua
, a San Maurizio Parco Milite Ignoto- Piazza Banda Lenti: Acqua naturale e gasata (5 cent. al litro)

Tempo libero
Centro Ippico Capitano Caprilli ASD, Fraz. San Maurizio, Via Garoglio 29, cell. 339 4175503 - Centro di equitazione di campagna, trekking, passeggiate, lavoro in piano.

Da visitare
Villa Vidua, Via Francesco Oddone - Spazio espositivo di mostre d’arte

Settembre, Colline in Festa e Patronale San Maurizio
Dicembre, Patronale Santa Lucia e Mostra Presepi d’Autore
Come arrivare
Da Torino e Piacenza: autostrada A21, uscita Alessandria ovest, indicazioni per Casale
Da Milano e Genova: autostrada A26, uscita Casale sud, indicazioni per Alessandria
Da Casale Monferrato: autolinee ARFEA